擊劍基本動作 運劍(一)


1.engagement 交劍 :

在兩個擊劍者之間的交戰時期,兩擊劍者足夠靠近並以刀刃進行有效攻擊的時間點。 雙方劍條接觸期間稱為 engagement  , 無論是站在何處,撥檔,攻擊或反擊。

a. high line 高位交劍 :

b.low line 低位交劍 :

2. press and beat 壓劍與敲劍

壓劍 Press  :also Pressure. An attempt to push the opponent’s blade aside or out of line from engaged blades. A press can precede a direct or indirect attack, depending on the opponent’s reaction, but should be followed by an immediate threat (a full or partial extension). A press which is not followed by a threat may invite a disengage from the opponent, and an attack thereby. From an engagement, press smoothly on the opponent’s foible, taking his/her blade out of line, and perhaps provoking a response. The thumb and fingers should provide the force behind this action.




敲劍 Beat : A simple preparatory motion. A sharp controlled blow to the middle or ‘weak’ of the opponents blade, with the objective of provoking a reaction or creating an opening. The action should knock the opponent’s blade aside or out of line.



c. 雙敲擊 double beat :

3. beat attack 敲劍攻擊 :

敲擊是迅猛的手腕動作,用自己的劍身敲擊對手劍身。在敲劍前, 要使自己的劍身與對手有一段距離,便於敲擊。用敲擊來引起對手在這條線上的反應動作, 利用對手反應動作所耽擱的時機,迅速作繞劍動作,擊中對手。敲擊轉移進攻技術是先敲劍再繞劍和其它進攻一樣,用弓步長刺來完成動作。

a.高位 beat attack:

b.低位 beat attack:

4. beat riposte 敲劍回擊:


a. 高位 beat riposte:

b. 低位 beat riposte :